As of July 15, 2024, there will be restrictions on certain plastics (e.g., for takeaway containers) through B.C.’s Single-Use and Plastic Waste Prevention Regulation.

The current Liquor Primary Licence Terms and Conditions and Liquor Policy Manual require stadiums to serve liquor in disposable containers (e.g., plastic or paper) to ensure the safety of spectators.

The Liquor Primary Licence Terms and Conditions and Liquor Policy Manual will be changing to require stadiums to comply with the new provincial restrictions.

What do licensees need to do:
Licensees will need to comply with B.C.’s Single-Use and Plastic Waste Prevention Regulation when using plastic containers for serving liquor in stadiums.

For resources to help you understand the new regulations, please visit the Province’s Plastics webpage: Plastics – Province of British Columbia (