SAQ just released its annual report. The English version has yet to be published, but highlights include :
- Spirits account for 17 % of sales this year. Up from 16.2 % last year.
- In the trends section, the headline for the topic of spirits is : Quebecers discovering tequila
- While basics such as gin, vodka and rum remain their favourites, there’s a new trend towards other spirits, which account for a 25 % increase in litres in this category. Premium tequila (téquila de dégustation), increased by 44.4 % (in litres) this year.
Shares in the spirits category Variation (in litres)
Liqueurs 23.2 % 6.2 %
Vodka 21.1 % 6.6 %
Rum 19.1 % 4.2 %
Gin 13,8 % (2.3 %)
Whisky 13.0 % 6.8 %
Brandy 4.7 % (6.1%)
Other spirits 5.1 % 25.2 %