About Us
We represent Canada’s leading producers and marketers in the industry
Founded on our signature products of Canadian Whisky and Rye Whisky, the distilled spirits industry in Canada produces a full range of spirits products including rum, gin, tequila, liqueurs, vodka, and Ready-To-Drink (RTD) cocktails.
About Us
We represent Canada’s leading producers and marketers in the industry

Founded on our signature products of Canadian Whisky and Rye Whisky, the distilled spirits industry in Canada produces a full range of spirits products including rum, gin, tequila, liqueurs, vodka, and Ready-To-Drink (RTD) cocktails.
Our Vision
Our vision is that the spirits sector will grow in Canada, and will be understood to be a benefit to the society and economy through support, education, innovation and sustainability.

What We Do
We work diligently with various stakeholders, including Spirits Canada members, government bodies, the farming and agriculture industry and consumers to:
Promote responsible and moderate consumption of beverage alcohol products to those adults who choose to drink.
Advocate for change in legislative, regulatory and public affairs topics that impact the distilled spirits sector at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels.
Educate and raise awareness in the Canadian market and encourage participation & engagement through various campaigns, resources and events held by Spirits Canada.
Our History
Canada was making
whisky before the country
became a country.
The spirits industry is interwoven into the very fabric of Canada. For over two centuries, distillers have been transforming grain grown by Canadian farmers from coast to coast into one of our country’s highest value products.
Our Team
President & CEO

Senior Vice President, Policy and Analytics

Vice President, Finance and Operations

Manager, Finance and Operations

Communications and Public Affairs

Mixologist & Bar Team Lead

Director, Economic Policy and Intelligence

Contact us
Head Office Address
Spirits Canada / Association of Canadian Distillers
219 Dufferin St, 100A-2
Toronto, ON M6K 3JI